
$3.99 CAD
By Visual Orgasm
Visual Orgasm showcases the history of Canadian graffiti and its American inspiration, featuring Canadian graffiti artists and images from the last thirty years. The foreword is by graffiti legend Zephyr, known for his graffiti in New York in the 1980s.
The book features interviews and photographs of:
Montreal: Zilon
Toronto: Ren, LaBomba, Sady, Galooch (RIP)
Ottawa: Daser, Buddha (who was known as Negative G and helped kick off Freestyle 85 in London)
Vancouver: Cosoe, Virus, Dedos, Neos, PD, Sinex, Zlok, Dzine, Word, Krewz, Ephx
Winnipeg Sear, Daub
Victoria Ghost (RIP), Dooer (RIP), Dubnut
All copies sold are signed by the author.